Industrial Pallet Racking

  • Large load capacity – handling heavy goods
  • Be adjustable to accommodate different pallet sizes and weights
  • Heavy-duty steel construction and robust connections that ensure stability and safety
  • Maximize the use of available space – an efficient and cost-effective storage solution

Industrial pallet racking is a type of storage system designed to hold pallets of goods or materials in a warehouse or industrial setting. It typically consists of upright columns, horizontal beams, and diagonal braces that are assembled to form a shelving structure. Pallets are placed on the horizontal beams, which are adjustable to accommodate different pallet sizes and weights. Industrial pallet racking is a popular solution for optimizing warehouse space, improving inventory management, and increasing productivity in industrial environments.

Top Three Most Popular Types of Industrial Pallet Racking

Adjustable Pallet Racking

Drive-in Pallet Racking

Pallet Shuttle Racking System

Adjustable pallet racking is the most popular for several reasons

  1. Versatility: Adjustable pallet racking is a versatile storage solution that can accommodate different pallet sizes and weights, making it suitable for a wide range of industries and product types.
  2. Accessibility: With adjustable pallet racking, each pallet is accessible from the aisle, allowing for easy and efficient picking and replenishment of goods. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses that need to manage a large number of different products with varying SKU numbers.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: Compared to other types of racking systems, adjustable pallet racking is generally less expensive to install and maintain. It requires minimal specialized equipment and can be easily assembled or reconfigured to accommodate changing storage needs.
  4. Space utilization: Adjustable pallet racking is designed to maximize the use of vertical space in a warehouse or storage facility, allowing businesses to store more inventory in a smaller footprint.

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